The Success Stories immerse you in the world of LMX Bikes. Meet the passionate individuals who bring the brand to life through their extraordinary adventures in LMX.
Loïc Veyrac: a passionate all-rounder. Hailing from Haute-Loire, Loïc Veyrac has been a two-wheel enthusiast since the age of 2. From bike trials to motocross in extreme competitions like Alestrem, Loïc is a true jack-of-all-trades in his practice.
In 2020, he first encountered the LMX 64 in the Pilat region during a photoshoot organized by LMX Bikes.
Through captivating imagery, Loïc reflects on his relationship with two-wheelers, his experience as an LMX rider in motorcycle and e-bike competitions, and the opening of his store in Aurec-sur-Loire in 2023, where he introduced the LMX 56 to his range.
Discover our inspiring success stories, available in video format on our YouTube channel and as articles in the News section.
We had the pleasure of delivering to a great athlete and a true legend in motorsport. The world of car racing is the ultimate testing ground for putting the latest innovations to the test.
At LMX Bikes, our mission and vision are closely tied to this exciting field. E-bike and motocross competitions are also breeding grounds for innovation, presenting stimulating challenges for the electric two-wheeled industry.
A big thank you to our clients who inspire us every day to push the boundaries of technology and create disruptive products that make a difference.
Together, we continue to pave the way for an exciting electric future.
We are proud to participate in the explorations organized by the innovation group of the Technical Section of the French Army (STAT) to advance the materials and equipment of the aero-terrestrial forces.
The LMX 56 and LMX 161 are currently being tested for specific military uses within the Battle Lab Terre.
For LMX, the goal is to provide turnkey mobility solutions tailored to the operational needs of public service professionals through the development of exclusive equipment.
LMX Inside is a video series that takes you behind the scenes of the brand. Adam and Zoé guide you to the heart of LMX in these videos. Let’s get started!